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Don’t Miss Out—Make The Beatitudes—Your “BE-attitudes!”   PART 9–Unwasted Suffering


crown of thorns and nails

Thus far, we’ve learned that we will be BLESSED if our “BE-attitudes;” that is, “attitudes for living” reflect that we: 

1. Are “poor in spirit,” that is, completely dependent upon God; 

2. “Mourn,” that is, have a strong aversion for sin;

3. Are “meek,” that is, submit our will to God so His strength courses freely through us; 

4. Hunger and thirst for righteousness

5. Are merciful

6. Are pure in heart; and

7. Are peacemakers.

Jesus ends the “blessings” by making these startling statements:

“BLESSED are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

“BLESSED are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.”

”REJOICE and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Matthew 5:10-12

What??? How is it a BLESSING to be PERSECUTED? 

Well, stop for a minute and consider this thought: In a fallen world dominated by sin and our enemies, isn’t it fair to say that evil is wreaking havoc on the entire human race? EVERYONE is suffering a degree of hell on earth—because of humanity’s choice to sin and be separated from God. 

But Jesus is giving us hope in suffering. 

We all suffer. But Jesus says “blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.” In other words—for those who are suffering because—they have chosen a life of glorifying God. They know their suffering isn’t senseless because they are fulfilling their supernatural purpose to glorify God. They have hope in suffering. 

The rest of the world is suffering too, but it’s not generally because they are glorifying God. 

Rather, it’s because sin naturally causes suffering and death. Sin causes hell on earth and hell for eternity. People are suffering and without a knowledge of God they know it has no purpose! But for born again believers, our suffering—when it’s used to glorify God—has a blessed and powerful purpose! 

There is no sense to be made for the suffering in this fallen world—UNTIL we understand our glorious purpose which is never thwarted by evil. 

The persecuted are blessed to shine the life-giving Gospel for the glory of God. Jesus set the example. He was persecuted to death and yet—He purchased our salvation and made a way for us to be blessed. Humanity sinned and wrecked the world, but Jesus selflessly paid the price to redeem us. When we’re born again, we too can become a living sacrifice for His glory. Then we are blessed even when we are shunned, disparaged, or hurt because NOTHING can separate us from HIS love. 

This gives us such glorious hope and courage because we know that even our trouble can be used to bring us great satisfaction through glorifying God! 

It gives us reason to rejoice—even in facing death! We KNOW we have a bright, eternal future. In fact, persecution or rejection can be one of the most powerful tools for glorifying God and drawing others to Him. 

After this last beatitude, Jesus continued His Sermon on the Mount and explained:

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.”

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16

The greater the darkness of persecution, the greater the impact of light. But we can’t expect this world culture to love us. That’s why the love of Jesus needs to become our greatest source of love. Then we don’t need to be loved by a fallen culture. The characteristics described in the beatitudes of Jesus are not valued by our modern culture. David Guzik wrote:

“We don’t recognize or give awards to the “Most Pure in Heart” or “Most Poor in Spirit.” Though our culture doesn’t think much of these character traits, they do describe the character of the citizens of God’s kingdom.”

For those who manifest these great beatitudes, we receive a double blessing—we can rejoice here on earth, AND we receive rewards in Heaven! I imagine the greatest rewards we will receive in Heaven will be getting to know the precious souls we helped bring to Jesus. This too, is the most remarkable gift we experience here on earth. The people God has used me to bring to Him are some of my best friends. But in addition to this great gift, God also gives us the ability to experience the fruits of His Spirit like—love, joy and peace—in steady measure!

How many people do you know who are experiencing joy that does not change with their circumstances? 

What is it that you believe will give you steady and unchanged love, joy and peace? If you won the mega-millions in the lottery—how long would your joy last? Name that one thing that you believe would satisfy you and ask: “Will it?”  My friend, joy in temporal things is ALWAYS short lived unless these things are used for the glory of God. God’s glory lasts forever. Nothing on this earth can give us what God does. 

When the pursuit of Jesus is our greatest passion, He perpetually satisfies our greatest desires; in other words, we are “blessed!” 

I pray that this series on the remarkable beatitudes of Christ has influenced your BE-attitudes like it has mine. It’s definitely a study God has given me to re-read over and over again! Blessings, my friend.

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Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

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