How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation.
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How Praising God Makes Us Inestimably Wise

When God’s glory is our greatest passion, our life has glorious purpose and eternal significance! ~KFaith
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Discovering enduring love is extraordinary and unexpectedly  delightful— we are capable of receiving it and giving it! Watch the video.

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Kimberly Faith

In 2011, in the greatest valley of my life, God began a major and transformational revival in my soul.  He drew me back to His presence by His immeasurable goodness and inspired me to carry out His Great Commission through teaching, writing daily devotionals, writing and recording music and making videos.  

In all areas of my life — my family, law practice, and personal life — I want people to see Jesus before they see me. ~ Kimberly Faith

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