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The Gift Of The Unmeasurable Goodness Of God


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Amidst all the rough trials plaguing my friends and family right now, God is so faithful to remind me of the gift of His unmeasurable goodness. I was recently reminded that there are way more than four billion things going RIGHT in my life—because of God’s faithfulness to me—and thus, the 5 or 6 things that seem to be going WRONG are really not that big of a deal for Him to handle. Let me explain.

I was sitting in front of the fire talking with my friend Nikki, who is also very pressed down with some huge trials right now. Earlier in the week, my mom had been sharing Psalms 40 with our family, and so Nikki and I were reading it together. We began discussing the following verses:

“I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth— Praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord. Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust, and does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. MANY, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; and Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; if I would declare and speak of them, they are MORE than can be numbered.”

Psalms‬ ‭40‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭‬‬

We got really excited about this! 

God’s wonderful works for us are MORE than can be NUMBERED! We began to talk about ALL the things God is doing in our lives that are GOOD. We ran out of time. You see, we realized that just the act of having a fireside chat means there are billions of things that are going right in our body. Then, even billions of MORE things must go right just to engage our body to get up and get another cup of tea! We discussed the vast amount of information the brain processes second by second just to accomplish even the most minor functions. Even just one small part of our brain is complex beyond our ability to comprehend:

“There are 400 billion synaptic junctions in a gram of brain tissue”

(Alan L. Gillen, Body by Design, 2001, p. 87).

The brain does billions of things right just to engage our muscles so we can engage our motor skills to go get that cup of tea! Take the leg, for example:

The powerful muscles of the hip, buttock, and pelvis actuate the flexible ball-and-socket hip joint. The anterior muscles, such as the quadriceps femoris, iliopsoas, and sartorius, work as a group to flex the thigh at the hip and extend the leg at the knee. Posterior muscles, such as the hamstrings and gluteus maximus, produce the opposite motion—extension of the thigh at the hip and flexion of the leg at the knee. Lateral muscles, such as the gluteus medius, abduct the thigh at the hip while the medial groin muscles adduct the thigh. All of these muscle groups provide powerful contractions to propel the body while making fine adjustments to maintain the body’s posture and balance. (wonders of the human body)

Do you think this kind of complex machinery does NOT require the maintenance of its CREATOR? Well when you consider that there is not one piece of complex man-made machinery you can name that does NOT require maintenance or care to keep it running—then logic would say “absolutely.” The human body is complex beyond mankind’s understanding which means it is off-the-scale uber high maintenance! [Sorry, abusing grammar to make a point.] 🙃 Clearly our Master Creator is doing innumerable good things just to keep each human body functioning properly! But then…there is also every other living creature and…the entire universe that He is also running! 

The proof of ALL the things that are going RIGHT is everywhere!

As Nikki and I talked about this, suddenly the problems we were praying about seemed very small. We realized we have a BIG God. Did we honestly doubt that He could handle the few things that we think are going wrong?

When we begin to consider the gift of God’s immeasurable goodness, we realize that much more is going RIGHT in our life than is going WRONG! 

“Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men!” ‭‭

Psalms‬ ‭31‬:‭19

To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

We would love to hear your thoughts about this devotional. Did God speak to you or challenge your daily walk with him? Or is there a topic that you would like Kimberly to cover or expound on? Please share with us in the comments below.

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To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

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