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How To Put Your Pain To Work For You


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When someone hurts you, the pain can stay with you for a long time. It CAN destroy you. In fact, it will–if you let it turn to bitterness. At the very least, if you hang onto it—it will definitely cripple you.

But, if you allow Him, God can put that pain to work so that it yields remarkable blessings.

Oh dear friend, I’ve seen God do this over and over again in my life! He is so good at taking evil and working it against itself. He grows flowers from the muck. But, I have NEVER witnessed this miracle when  I have not been 100% yielded to Him.

You see, each day, we choose the MASTER we will serve. Today, will it be the master of work, pleasure, bitterness, or some other lifeless god? Whatever we think about the most is our god. These false gods do not prepare us to handle pain because—hardship derails their false promises for satisfaction. Our Creator has a purpose that is NEVER derailed by pain. In fact, He’s been in the thick of pain—even to His death—and HE won back the ground lost by humanity in the Garden of Eden. His love conquered or worst enemy—death!!!

If you are hurting right now, there is hope!!!

When we dwell on our pain—it turns us into bitter monsters. And then—more hardship—makes bitter people even more bitter. If you are a child of God, meaning you have been born again, you have the power of the Holy Spirit within you. As unbelievable as it sounds, He will enable you to miraculously forgive and pray for those who hurt you. This is not to say that in the process you won’t feel pain. Of course, you will! Love hurts; but so does bitterness. The difference is that love heals while bitterness kills. The Bible says that “God is love,” (1 John 4:8) and our Messiah suffered pain beyond what we’re capable of understanding!


So WE could possess something more powerful than pain—REAL love.

Pain is just another proving ground for learning to live in the freedom and peace of God’s presence. On the cross, Jesus would have been fully justified in destroying His killers; however, His sacrifice paid the price for our eternal salvation. From this perspective, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” takes on a much deeper and weighty meaning.  (Matthew 7:12)

We CAN love like Jesus loves when He is on the throne of our heart!

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians‬ ‭4:32

The command to forgive are our marching orders to walk in freedom.

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Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

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