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Don’t Fall Prey To Spiritual Gerrymandering


spiritual gerrymeandering

If you’ve ever been a mediocre Christian—like I have—then it’s likely because you’ve done some spiritual gerrymandering. By “spiritual gerrymandering,” I mean manipulating the boundaries of God’s Word in order to live like you want, but—still calling yourself a “Christian.” Spiritual gerrymandering—unlike the political brand—is more destructive because it targets more than just a certain classification of people. 

It hurts everyone—even the person doing it. 

God doesn’t play games with sin—He hates it because it crucified His Son and separates us from Him. Shouldn’t we also hate it?

God loves us so much that His Word sets a standard to protect us from the destruction of sin. 

When we try to get around His boundaries and justify our own desires by picking and choosing which parts of the Bible to obey—there are ETERNAL repercussions.

This is a deeply personal subject for me.

In justifying my selfish desires, I lived as a hypocritical Christian. I made many destructive decisions because I convinced myself that I was the exception to God’s rules. It was okay to violate God’s Word as long as it “didn’t hurt anyone” or “no one knew about it.” This thinking has invaded our Christian culture. Let’s use a couple of examples of WRONG thinking that have made huge, destructive, inroads into our “Christian” culture.

  1. Sexual sin. We convince ourselves that it’s okay to display our sexuality, or to fall “in love,” even if it violates God’s Word. Thus, we justify ignoring the parts of God’s Word that forbid fornication, lust, and adultery. We become so devoid of understanding that we forget that it’s not “love” if it violates God’s Word. HE is LOVE and HE is the WORD. The kind of “love” that violates God’s Word isn’t love; it’s just selfishness because all parties involved WILL be hurt. 
  2. Church membership. Many are convinced that there is no need to be a dedicated member of a true New Testament church because they can’t find a church that “makes them comfortable,” or because there are “too many hypocrites in the church.” In their books, church attendance is a fluid term. Rather than the church being the hub of the family and a priority, it becomes okay to have “church” on the lake or wherever your weekend downtime happens to be occurring. But the Bible makes it clear we are to be an ACTIVE and COMMITTED part of a LOCAL church. (Romans 12:4-5; Hebrews 10:25) 

These are just two, of MANY examples, of how our modern Christian culture has become complacent to God’s precious Word. This is the plan of our enemies. They want us to believe that sin isn’t serious. They know our favorite sins. They will use our pet sins to eat us alive! I lived this way for YEARS! I justified ignoring the parts of God’s Word that didn’t suit my desires. In the process…I hurt so many people.

I wish I’d NEVER lived without the full application of God’s Word to my life. 

God’s Word is proof of HIS sacrifice and love to US; our obedience to His Word is proof of OUR sacrifice and love to HIM. 

Following God’s Word protects us AND protects those around us. God’s Word gives us ALL of the tools and rules that we need in order to learn how to live in love. When we’re living in LOVING obedience to God, we possess His WISDOM, POWER, and LOVE. Making God the center of our life and His Word our life-manual pulls us out of the sick cycle of secularized Christianity which has destroyed so many families and wreaked havoc on the church. As we strengthen our relationship with God, He gives us the power to overcome the destructive gods of this world! 

When we fall in love with God and live in obedience to His Word, we become powerful, wise, and loving.

God does not desire anything but His BEST for us! God did not sacrifice His only Son to make us miserable. His plan gives us our greatest joy! Jesus said: 

As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. 

These things have I spoken unto you, that MY JOY might remain in you, and that YOUR JOY might be full.

‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭

OUR JOY OVERFLOWS when God’s Word defines the way we think, talk, and walk!

We would love to hear your thoughts about this devotional. Did God speak to you or challenge your daily walk with him? Or is there a topic that you would like Kimberly to cover or expound on? Please share with us in the comments below.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

We would love to hear your thoughts about this devotional. Did God speak to you or challenge your daily walk with him? Or is there a topic that you would like Kimberly to cover or expound on? Please share with us in the comments below.

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To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

6 Responses

  1. Sis. Kimberly😊great Word! Thank God for who He is, His lovingkindness, His mercy, and most of all, His love😁Keep doing what you do Kim as u reach thousands for the gospel🤗

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