Let The Truth Empower You
“Amidst the chaos, God’s truth remains constant, offering us constant clarity and redirection.” ~KFaith
“Amidst the chaos, God’s truth remains constant, offering us constant clarity and redirection.” ~KFaith
“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” ~Nehemiah 8:10
“When we pursue a rich relationship with God through loving obedience, His Word comes alive in our heart, and His Spirit guides us into a profound understanding of His ways.” ~KFaith
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” ~Romans 8:35
“There’s not a more blessed way to live than knowing God hears and answers our prayers.” ~KFaith
“The truest experience of freedom is when we wholeheartedly align ourselves with God’s divine principles!” ~KFaith
In an era of social media, misinformation, disinformation, “fake news,” and extreme partisanship, what “truths” can be considered “self-evident?” ~KFaith
“It’s often the tragic injustices in our life that make our story most beautiful.” ~KFaith
“We become greater lovers of others when God is the center of our life and we love HIM with all our heart, soul, and mind!” ~KFaith
“When we love GOD with ALL our heart, we learn to truly love others with a love that never fails.” ~KFaith
“When we give everything that we are, and all that we have—to Jesus, He will be the best at providing for us because he knows what we need before we ask.” ~KFaith
“One of the most significant truths conveyed throughout the ENTIRE Bible is that anything we love more than we love God will ultimately enslave us.” ~KFaith
Hello and welcome to our website. It is our hope that you will be blessed by the lessons, music and videos God has given us to share. Through my walk with Jesus personally and through my law practice, He has given me so much inspiration.
~Kimberly Faith