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God Is Bigger Than The Wrecking Ball


God promise bigger

Written by Tracy V

The other morning, I was having the best prayer time. My heart was light, my day was looking up, and I was ready to dive into my Bible and see what God had for me. And then—BAM! Like a wrecking ball, everything came crashing down. In an instant, I went from feeling hopeful to feeling utterly defeated. My peace turned to anxiety, and fear crept in. The shift was so sudden, it almost left me breathless. And just as I was trying to collect myself, my phone dinged, and this verse appeared:

“Fear not, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

That hit me right where I needed it. I paused and let the words sink in. This is God’s promise to His people—and He always keeps His promises.

In this verse, God is speaking directly to the deep emotions that can overwhelm us—fear and distress. He’s not just offering a comforting word; He’s actively reminding us that we are never alone. When life hits us hard, and the enemy comes at us with all he’s got, leaving us feeling drained, helpless, or even defeated, God doesn’t just offer us sympathy. He gives us strength—His strength.

He’s not just saying, “I’ll be with you.” He’s saying, “I will uphold you. I will strengthen you.” He’s the one filling our cup when it’s empty and lifting us up with His righteous right hand. That hand represents His power, His authority, and His justice—and it’s more than enough to carry us through whatever we face.

Now, to “fear not” doesn’t mean we won’t face difficulties, or that we won’t get wounded in the process. It means trusting in the One who holds everything together. Trusting the only One who has the power to fix our problems, to help us weather the attacks of the enemy, and to lead us through to Heaven on the other side of this life.

The phrase “For I am your God” is a beautiful declaration of belonging. God is claiming us as His own. He is our constant source of courage. He is faithful. When we stumble, He’s the steady hand that lifts us up. And His power—His mighty right hand—will carry us through any challenge.

The Creator of the universe is promising to uphold us. He’s offering to carry our burdens and intervene on our behalf. And all He asks is that we give Him our fears and burdens. We don’t need to carry them alone. We don’t need to fear the “what ifs” or be weighed down by worry. 

God’s got you!

So whatever you’re facing today, take comfort in this truth: God is with you. He’s for you. And He’s holding you. You are safe in the hands of the One whose strength has no end.

Tracy V is a professional photographer, creator, and Creative Director of GoFaithStrong. A devoted believer and dog mom, she finds joy in painting, photography, writing, lattes, nature, and supporting nonprofits. Currently, she is working on an exciting project with a nonprofit where she serves on the board of directors.

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To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

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