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The Best Gifts For Christmas: The Light Of Life


forest with rays of light

I often fall back into the habit of thinking I have to be my own source of light to navigate life. This seems especially amped up at Christmas when plans are being made; gifts need to be purchased; and many holiday events are in full swing.

Ah, how good God is to constantly remind me that HE is the light of life. Jesus is the light, and when we follow Him—HE is ALL the light we need. Jesus said:

“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” ‭‭John‬ ‭8‬:‭12‬ 

When we love Jesus so much that we desire to live in obedience to Him in every area of our life, we are fearless, joyful, wise, strong, beloved, and live with a purpose and hope the world does not comprehend. Living in the unwavering light of Jesus illuminates the things we fear. We are given God’s perspective about when and where to walk. We see danger for what it is and avoid it. We see hate for what it is and the hurting person underneath is revealed by the guidance of the spirit of God and know whether we reach out or walk away. We see the lost, the dying and the crying as Jesus did and our heart is so full of compassion that suddenly the “to-do” list is unimportant. 

My friend, the world is dominated by darkness, but if we belong to Jesus, we have a choice—to walk in His light. In the presence of Jesus, we are not afraid of the darkness!

My friend, if you find yourself worried, fearful, or feeling alone this Christmas and if you have accepted God’s gift of salvation, you no longer have to do life on your own. 

You have the light of life living within you! And the more you live in loving obedience to Christ, the more light you possess to see the path ahead. I remember taking a hike to the top of a 11,000 foot mountain. We could see for miles because the sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. We crossed creeks, navigated treacherous paths with 200 foot drops, and saw beautiful stone formations. We were not afraid. Because of the sunlight, we were blessed by the beauty AND were able to avoid danger. This hike would have been much different if we’d gone at midnight on a stormy night. But we had chosen to take a walk in the sunshine!

If we had chosen to walk in the darkness, we would have never seen either the beauty OR the danger. 

When we’re walking in the light of Christ, our life is much like this hike. We can choose to have our path illuminated by the SONshine. Christ does not intend for us to walk without the light of His presence. Darkness is no match for God’s light. Why would we ever choose to walk in the awful darkness of sin? With Jesus lives inside us, we have a choice; but without Him—we do not. The Bible says, 

“for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and RIGHT and TRUE.” Ephesians‬ ‭5:8-9‬

When we are born again and our spirit has been given the genetics of Christ, we have “the light of life.”  When we follow Christ, we walk in HIS light. When we LIVE in what is “right and true,” we live in LIGHT. Then, we don’t just SAY “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me;“ rather, we LIVE it. (Philippians 4:13) When we live in obedience to Christ, we live without fear of anything except—being WITHOUT the strong and steady light from the presence of Christ. Walking in the light of Christ is a marvelous gift to both GIVE and RECEIVE. 

This Christmas, be filled with the light of life and allow Christ to illuminate all the beauty and—guide you through all the danger.

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Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

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