
My Peace I Give Unto You

By Grace Edwards

We live in a world FULL of things to worry about. If you are lacking in things to worry about, turn on the TV, Facebook, or drive down the road and some form of advertising will give you just one more thing to worry about that you might lack or need. 

 Recently I experienced the worst pain and most challenging trial that I have ever encountered in my life. The devil attacked the two most important things in my life: my faith and my family. As I begin to come out of this valley and anticipate the birth of my first child, I have experienced much anxiety as to whether I “can really do this”. The devil continues his barrage of fiery darts and each day seems like another “test of faith”. He tells me all about how unworthy I am to have a baby or how I’ve made too many mistakes to ever be a “good parent”. 

Something my childhood pastor used to say (in reference to bow hunting) was that you will hit what you focus on. You have the right tools, you have the support, but you have to continue to single-mindedly focus on your purpose. 

As Christians, our purpose is to bring glory to God. That includes–in trials and even childbirth/parenting. Anxiety can be crippling, and the devil knows just what methods work on each of us to distract us from our purpose. Today I am encouraged by the fact that when Jesus left earth for Heaven, He promised to leave His peace with us and even sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us through EVERY challenge and circumstance we face. He’s promised to never leave us nor forsake us. 

These are the tools we have to employ, our job is to stay focused on Him. 

“Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]”

(John 14:27)

To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

Grace Edwards, BSN, RN, CEN
Emergency Department

Guest Author

2 Responses

  1. Kim, you will make a fantastic mom!!! All you need is God’s love (which you are full of) and the rest comes naturally. I would have loved to have had you for my mom. You are so caring and trusting of God. I am here for you! I miss you, Love, Dawn

    1. Hi sweet Dawn! Your comments are so precious to me. This devotional is written by my daughter, Grace! I’m getting ready to be Granny K! 🙂 I love and miss you, my dear friend!

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