How To Be True To Yourself
“There is only one way to really know the extraordinary person you are; it is to know the God, who created you.” ~KFaith
“There is only one way to really know the extraordinary person you are; it is to know the God, who created you.” ~KFaith
“In any difficult circumstance, the habit of living with confidence in God just presents a different set of opportunities!” ~KFaith
“The act of sharing God’s love is never wasted.” ~KFaith
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” ~2 Chronicles 7:14
“It is not the bare recitation of the Lord’s Prayer that makes it powerful, it is what happens in our heart when we sincerely believe in WHO God is.” ~KFaith
“Our submission to Christ produces a powerful impact on others that is never wasted nor forgotten!” ~Kfaith
“If we desire for God to direct our steps, we must commit ourselves to spend quality time in His presence—both alone and with others.” ~KFaith
God’s Word gives us the truth; and a relationship with Him gives us the sense to follow it and the ability to distinguish our desires from His plan. ~KFaith
When we love anyone or anything more than we love Jesus—we are in love with a thief. ~KFaith
When I daily surrender my heart to God, the journey of my life is full of wonder and adventure! ~KFaith
The cure for insecurity is to passionately seek to know and to surrender to God. ~KFaith
Humans have a deep desire to be loved unconditionally. We were designed to need love, but so often we run from our best source–God. ~KFaith
Hello and welcome to our website. It is our hope that you will be blessed by the lessons, music and videos God has given us to share. Through my walk with Jesus personally and through my law practice, He has given me so much inspiration.
~Kimberly Faith