Invincibility By Confidence In God Part 2
God’s presence is where our confidence should begin and end! ~KFaith
God’s presence is where our confidence should begin and end! ~KFaith
When our heart belongs to God—our fear is lost in His strength and we live in the confidence of HIS invincibility. ~KFaith
Abiding in Christ will satisfy the deepest longing of your heart. ~KFaith
God’s love is unmistakable—and it is the greatest evidence we are living in His freedom. ~KFaith
One of the greatest freedoms of the Gospel is the freedom to die. ~KFaith
We will never know how much we need God until—God is all we have. ~KFaith
Only broken people—who get their power from God—help other broken people see God for who He truly is! ~KFaith
The passionate pursuit of God produces sustaining pleasure on earth and a preview of the transcendent experience Jesus is preparing for those who love Him! ~KFaith
When God occupies the shrine of our heart, we are a tree producing the fruit of His Spirit. ~KFaith
I WANT God to give me the kind of adventure that takes my breath away. ~KFaith
A thankful heart is enlightened and empowered by God, Who is “the Father of Lights” and never changes. ~KFaith
There is no better plan you can imagine for yourself today—than God’s plan. ~KFaith
Hello and welcome to our website. It is our hope that you will be blessed by the lessons, music and videos God has given us to share. Through my walk with Jesus personally and through my law practice, He has given me so much inspiration.
~Kimberly Faith