Egocentrism Is Destroying Our Culture But—We Can BE The Change!
“And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” ~Galatians 5:24-25
“And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” ~Galatians 5:24-25
When God’s glory is our greatest passion, our life has glorious purpose and eternal significance! ~KFaith
When we make God our greatest treasure—He gives us the power to love—even our enemies. ~KFaith
When we draw close to GOD, His POWERFUL graciousness flows TO us AND FROM us. ~KFaith
The mind is the strategic battleground where the flesh and the Spirit fight for dominance. ~KFaith
Keeping the rules NEVER makes anyone free from the guilt of the law. ~KFaith
God gives us the power to help change other people when we allow Him to first change us! ~KFaith
God is so good and He has given each of us a remarkable imagination to use for His glory! ~KFaith
Living by Truth in Love builds a platform of supernatural credibility from which the entire world will see the Light of Jesus. ~KFaith
The proof of God’s wisdom is in how we treat other people! ~KFaith
Jesus died to give us a friendship that is far greater than we could ever ask for or imagine! ~KFaith
n order to become truly exceptional, we must stop believing that we’re the exception to God’s rules! ~KFaith
Hello and welcome to our website. It is our hope that you will be blessed by the lessons, music and videos God has given us to share. Through my walk with Jesus personally and through my law practice, He has given me so much inspiration.
~Kimberly Faith