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Watching God Work All Things For Good


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by Melissa Sharp

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” 

Romans 8:28 

Sunday morning in church, I was singing along with the praise band,

“Who can wipe away the tears from broken dreams and wasted years… And tell the past to disappear? Oh let me tell you ’bout my Jesus… And all the wrong turns that you would…Go and undo if you could…Who can work it all for your good… Let me tell you ’bout my Jesus.” 

Let me tell you ‘bout my Jesus by Ann Wilson

As I sang, I couldn’t help but cry. Looking over at my husband Larry (who I refer to as “sweet Larry”), also singing as he held my hand, I silently said, 

“God, you have been so good to us.” 

And truly, He has. One of our most amazing testimonies of God working His goodness through circumstances, was in giving us each other.  A little over three years ago, the Lord Himself arranged our meeting at a 5k run. We were both two very broken people whose life plans had not gone the way we had expected. In our 50’s and divorced after decades of abusive marriages, Larry and I had given up on ever finding love. 

But God had a plan because—He always does!

In a way that Larry and I will never be able to fully understand, God took our pain, our disappointments, our happy times and our unhappy ones, along with our “broken dreams and wasted years” and worked them together for our good. Now, after celebrating our second wedding anniversary, Larry and I try to live each day to share the story of God’s goodness—not just in bringing us together—but how He works in our daily journey of deliverance and guidance. 

God knows the deepest desires of our heart—and He gives us what we need when we need it—not necessarily when we want it. Our life is a testimony to His goodness and impeccable timing. We always try to encourage others with the many stories of His goodness. We like to say, “God does it for us, and He will do it for you.”

The promise of Romans 8:28 that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” is God’s TRUTH for every believer. 

We should absolutely commit it to memory and claim this mighty promise of God because it gives us a mindset of hope amidst crushing circumstances.

Trouble will fall on everyone, both the believer and the unbeliever. But those who are born again and are alive in Christ—can have HIS mindset to work through every painful circumstance. We can live knowing our pain and suffering will never be in vain since the Lord will always take the good, the bad, and the downright ugly things we go through, and cause them to work “together” for our good and for His glory. It may take years, but in God’s perfect timing, and for God’s perfect purpose, believers “know” that they can fulfill their most satisfying purpose to glorify God—no matter how dark the circumstances seem. 

God’s glory will always eclipse circumstances—and we can be part of this miracle!

No matter what you’re going through, keep an eternal perspective, my friend. As someone who has been through the fire many times, but who has always come out better on the other side, this promise that we “know” is true, won’t always diminish our pain in the moment of our trouble, but when we keep Jesus at the center of our life—the promise always fill us with the joy and peace we need to endure the trial!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of Romans 8:28 that fills our heart with joy and inspires us to boldly share the Gospel so others can know You. Lord, you make beauty out of ashes and restore us when we seem broken beyond repair. Help us be a living testimony to Your goodness, Your strength, Your love and compassion. It’s in your precious name we pray, Jesus.


Melissa Sharp is an ultra runner and running coach who has completed more than 100 marathons and ultra marathons. Melissa has learned how to keep running the race of life for the glory of Christ even though she endured decades of domestic abuse. Melissa is a survivor. Through her daily blog thejoyfilledrunner she inspires others to live in the strength of Christ.

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Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

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