Blessed Liberty


After three years of creative collaboration, we are excited to release “When I Can Read My Title Clear.” This song features Jonathan Lea, an 18 year old cellist from Ecuador currently studying music at the University of Arkansas and my son, Jon Lowe, currently on active duty and an Army Apache pilot stationed in South Korea. The original version of the song was written by Isaac Watts in 1707 and describes the clear title that born again Christians are given as a result of Christ’s sacrifice and redemption on the cross. We have added our own Irish/Celtic flair to this song, and hope that the message and the music are a blessing. The song can be listened to here on this page below and can also be found on SpotifyAmazonPandoraApple Music and iHeart Radio.  


Blessed Liberty Album




I was a wandering soul, in the desert of despair
Burning inside outside and out; Captivated by lies
In my broken heart, I turned to The Light
Now sweet salvation is mine and He set my soul on fire.


Let Your fire, burn inside of me
And by Your mercy, live in Blessed Liberty
Let Your light, shine outside of me
O Lord, my God, set Your Spirit free
If we the people, are on our knees
Our nation can be truly free
O Holy God turn our hearts to Thee


Are we one nation under God? A shining city on a hill?
Our forefathers gave their lives; will we make the sacrifice?
If my people who are called; by my name will humbly bow
I will reach out in mercy, and I will heal their land


Will the darkness crash down and overshadow Holy ground
Or will we join and unite; Shine His light in the night

CHORUS (partial)

Let Your fire, burn inside of me
And by Your mercy, live in Blessed Liberty
Let Your light, shine outside of me
O Lord, my God, set Your Spirit free
Let Your fire, burn inside of me
And by Your mercy, live in Blessed Liberty
Let Your light shine, outside of me
O Lord, my God, set your Spirit free
If we the people, are on our knees
Our nation can be truly free
O Holy God, turn our hearts to Thee


Oceans of evil flood the land; rivers of blood cover our hands
We have turned out all the light; shut His presence out of sight
We trust in our money, hope in our power
Oh God, have mercy; we need you in this hour


Let Your fire, burn inside of me
And by Your mercy, live in Blessed Liberty
Let Your light, shine outside of me
O Lord, my God, set Your spirit free
Let Your fire, burn inside of me
O Lord my God, give us Blessed Liberty!

Music Video Link: 


I’ll Fly Away
Some glad mornin’ when this life is o’er, I’ll fly away
Free from death and pain forevermore, I’ll fly away


I’ll fly away,  O glory, I’ll fly away
When I die, Hallelujah by and by
I’ll fly away, I’ll fly away


Like a bird from prison bars has flown, I’ll fly away
Free at last now I am home, I’ll  fly away


I’ll fly away, O glory, I’ll fly away
When I die, Hallelujah by and by
I’ll fly away
I’ll fly away, oh I’ll fly away


I’ll wait for you now I’m forever young
I’ll fly away
Safe and strong now in my Father’s arms
I’ll fly away


I’ll fly away, O glory, I’ll fly away
When I die, Hallelujah by and by, I’ll fly away


Don’t you cry now, I’ve gone on home, I’ll fly away
My heart lives in you, I’m not gone, I’ll fly away


I’ll fly away, O glory, I’ll fly away
When I die, Hallelujah by and by, I’ll fly away

I’ll fly away, I’ll fly away
I’ll fly away, O glory, I’ll fly away


Whom have I in Heaven but Thee
Jesus’ there is none beside Thee
Scarred by nails to set me free
Let my life glorify Thee


Hold my hand in the dark night
Lead me in Your glorious light
Speak Your words and thus inspire
Wisdom’s way for my sight


Whom have I in Heaven but Thee
Jesus’ there is none beside Thee
Scarred by nails to set me free
Let my life glorify Thee


Oh Lord, I am in love
With Your heart’s gentle touch
Adonai lead from above
For in You Dwells perfect love


Whom have I in Heaven but Thee
Jesus’ there is none beside Thee
Scarred by nails to set me free
Let my life glorify Thee
Whom have I in Heaven but Thee (x2)

You are all I want
You are all I need
Whom in heaven beside Thee


Whom have I in Heaven but Thee
Jesus’ there is none beside Thee
Scarred by nails to set me free
Let my life glorify Thee

The Day I Fell in Love with God – The Meaning Behind “Whom Have I?”

I’ll never forget the day I realized I‘d fallen in love with God.

It was on 6 August 2015 on a trip with my son to Rome. By this time, I’d spent about three years seriously pursuing God by spending time with Him every morning and allowing Him to transform me. As I’d come to know Him better, I learned He was totally trustworthy. He had proven to be my most faithful Friend.

However, that morning as I spent time with Him and began to be filled with His comfort, peace and joy–there was something even more amazing–an elated rush of emotion which was the same feeling I’d only experienced when falling in love. It was completely unexpected. It never occurred to me that I could fall in love with God. You see, the anticipation of His presence was sparking the deepest part of my soul and quickening my pulse. I couldn’t wait to be close to Him!

I knew His was the love I’d searched for my entire life. He was the One with whom I wanted to weather all of life’s trials and celebrate every triumph. His three-year track record of love and friendship had proven that He would never abandon me and would always be my strength and comfort.

Although He had loved me since before I was born, I never understood the goodness of His love until AFTER I began to seek Him.

To commemorate falling in love, God gave me a song which I titled “Whom Have I?” The words were inspired by Psalms: “I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (Psalms 73:23-26) God held my hand, guided me, intently desired my heart, comforted me and gave me everything I ever needed. No love had ever compared to His. Now, my heart sings to God, “You are all I want; You are all I need. Whom in heaven besides Thee?” I’ve fallen in love with God and I can’t ever imagine life without Him!


**This is a devotional from Kimberly’s second installment of “Essential Faith” available on Amazon.


Well, He gave me all I need for life’s hard road
You can break my body but you can’t take my soul
My boots may be dusty and my jeans may be worn
But God’s got my back and He knows where I’m goin’
Well, the angels are watching over me
He laid down His life and set me free
You can knock me down, but you can’t knock me out
My Daddy brought you in and He can take you out


And my Daddy says–
Walk on baby when the road gets rough
When you fall down, just get yourself up
And if you can’t get up, I’ll carry you a while
Get on your feet girl, don’t you cry
Walk on, baby girl– walk on baby girl–walk on


Now You’ll walk through some valleys and on some mountaintops
And the road may get rough but don’t you wander off
In your heartbreak, anguish, pain and fear
Run to your Daddy and He’ll take away your tears
When the trouble of this whole world stops you in your tracks
Look em in the eye don’t you ever turn your back
Don’t you settle for this old world to break your little heart
Walk in the light don’t play in the dark


Hey girl- when they knock you to the ground, don’t you get down
Stand to your feet, dance to the beat
Dust off your boots and walk down the street
Daddy’s got your back, He can take the heat


And my Daddy says–
Walk on baby when the road gets rough
When you fall down, just get yourself up
And if you can’t get up, I’ll carry you a while
Get on your feet girl, don’t you cry
Walk on, baby girl– walk on baby girl–walk on baby girl—walk on


Now my boots may be dusty and my jeans may be worn
God’s got my back and he knows where I’m goin’
The Angels are watchin’ over me, He laid down His life
And set me free…
(x2)Walk on baby when the road gets rough
When you fall down, just get yourself up
If you can’t get up, I’ll carry you a while
Get on your feet girl, don’t you cry
Walk on baby girl—walk on baby girl—walk on


O Brothers rise up with me
In the strength of God, our King
Children of God all are we
Truth will set us free
Truth in Love is our destiny


O Sisters raise your voice with me
Perfect love is what we seek
Our master of love who conquered death
His truth will set us free
Truth in Love is our destiny


O Mothers raise your hands with me
Hands which rocked us in our sleep
Emmanuel loves us for eternity
His truth will set us free
Truth in Love is our destiny
This is truth; speak with tongues, men and angels
Without love it is nothing
If we have all knowledge and power to love
Without love it is nothing
Knowledge vanishes, tongues cease, love lives on
Nations fall, wars rage, love lives on


Oh Fathers raise your heart with me
In the image of Christ Our King
The master of love who conquered death
His truth will us free
Truth in Love is our destiny


All God’s children, Truth in Love will set the captives free
His law is written, not to bind us but to set us free
Truth in Love is our destiny… (repeat and fade)


I am strong on my knees
Power in Humility, Spirit moves inside of me
Giving Faith and purity
I don’t need my own strength when God lives inside of me
Open up, let Him be stronger than you ever dreamed


I will never see all that He can be in me
Unless I’m on my knees, O God work through me
I am so strong when I am so weak
Jesus work through me down on my knees
O God, I am forever strong on my knees where I belong
Power in Humility found in His sovereignty
O God, I am strong when I am so weak
It’s Power in Humility; fall down on my knees


I can do anything through my God who strengthens me
Mountains move, hearts are healed in the power of His love
Let Him do all those things we can never do ourselves
Catch a glimpse of majesty working ___________


I am nothing without His love
O God, work through me down on my knees
I am so strong when I am so weak
Jesus work through me down on my knees
O God, I am forever strong on my knees where I belong}
Power in Humility found in His sovereignty
O God, I am strong when I am so weak
To Power in Humility; fall down on my knees

Stop and listen, you can hear Him calling
He will give it all to you, turn, turn to Him
Take His power within, watch His majesty give
And you will learn to live in the Power of Humility
Found in his sovereignty, that’s the Power in Humility
O Jesus, keep me on my knees in the Power of Humility
O Jesus, keep me on my knees


I was a broken girl searching for perfect love
You gave me truth; and showed me how to find true love
You said: Give you heart to Him, He will heal your pain
And He will teach you, darlin; how to live again,
Because Loving Him is where true love begins


You showed me the Father that I’d been missing
And you taught me that’s where love begins
Oh love begins with Him


Now I pray for you, like I pray for me;
God gave His heart to me, so I can give it away
And now I’m loving on you; like He’s loving on me
Oh He has taught me darlin; how to live again
Because loving Him is where true love begins


Oh thank you, thank you—for giving me the best part of who you are.
Thank you, thank you—for giving me the best part of who I am
Thank you, thank you for…


Showing me the Father that I’d been missing
Teaching me that’s where love begins
Oh love begins with Him


Years from now, when I’m old and gray
God will keep my heart, keep it, loving you this way
Because He never changes—He’s in my heart to stay
And so I’ll be loving you, my friend until the end of my last day.

You showed me…


Look through the window of your Glass House
Outside stand vacant eyes and broken heart
Created like you by Holy God
Oh how very like her you are
So before you cast that first stone
Remember the glass in your own home
In our glass house lives Amazing Grace, miracle of mercy
In our glass house lives Amazing Grace, miracle of mercy


Remember that wretched place you came from
All those sleepless nights and hopeless dreams
Dying slowly fearing the unknown
Then blessed redemption filled your soul

Now in God’s mercy we find no stones
Only His heart which welcome us home
In our Glass House lives Amazing Grace, Miracle of Mercy
In our Glass House lives Amazing Grace, Miracle of Mercy

Amazing Grace, Miracle of Mercy
Amazing Grace, Miracle of Mercy


Walk away even if it takes your breath away
Don’t you drown in that river of your shame
Those memories will only bring you pain
Thinkin’ about it again and again
Give it to Him, forget where you’ve been
He is love, He’s the love that won’t hurt you


Oh love, God holds you to his side that was driven with a spear
He wipes away your tears with a hand scarred by a nail
His blood runs through the veins of your soul and you’ll never be alone
Oh, he hears you cry when your lips can’t make a sound
He’s the love that won’t hurt you, Oh Never Hurt You


Think about all the joy you have to gain
Don’t forget how His love has always been
Your heart was broken bad and torn
God made a way for you to be born
Hold onto Him and listen to His song
He is love; He’s the love that won’t hurt you


Oh love, God holds you to his side that was driven with a spear
He wipes away your tears with a hand scarred by a nail
His blood runs through the veins of your soul and you’ll never be alone
Oh, he hears you cry when your lips can’t make a sound
He’s the love that won’t hurt you; Oh, He’s the love that won’t hurt you
Oh, He’s the love that won’t hurt you


Oh love, God holds you to his side that was driven with a spear
He wipes away your tears with a hand scarred by a nail
His blood runs through the veins of your soul and you’ll never be alone
Oh, he hears you cry when your lips can’t make a sound
He is love (when your lips can’t make a sound)
He is love


He collected each tear that fell from the eyes
The young girl whose heart had been broken
Tears in a Bottle
Her innocence taken and broken by pain
She didn’t know that God was listenin’
His nail-scarred hand put each Tear in a Bottle


No sparrow falls, no heart beats still
That God does not know He collects each tear that falls
You are more to Him, you’ll never know
He will not forget; He collects each of your Tears in a Bottle


God collected each tear that fell from the eyes
The man dirty, drunken and worn


He collected each tear that fell from the eyes
The young girl whose heart had been broken
Tears in a Bottle
Her innocence taken and broken by pain
She didn’t know that God was listenin’
His nail-scarred hand put each Tear in a Bottle


No sparrow falls, no heart beats still
That God does not know He collects each tear that falls
You are more to Him, you’ll never know
He will not forget; He collects each of your Tears in a Bottle


God collected each tear that fell from the eyes
The man dirty, drunken and worn
Tears in a Bottle
His heart cried out in anguish and pain
“Oh, God, please deliver me now!”
His nail-scarred hand put each Tear in a Bottle


No sparrow falls, no heart beats still
That God does not know He collects each tear that falls
You are more to Him, you’ll never know
He will not forget; He collects each of your Tears in a Bottle


Oh sweet Jesus help me to see the tenderness of your care for me
Tears in a Bottle
Your arms that gently rock me in my fear
Your lips that kiss away every tear
Your nail-scarred hand put each Tear in a Bottle


No sparrow falls, no heart beats still
That God does not know He collects each tear that falls
You are more to Him, you’ll never know
He will not forget; He collects each of your Tears in a Bottle



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