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Where Are You Getting Your Love?


God is Love Sign

I write a lot about love because we all need it so much, and I am always asking God to teach me more about this precious commodity. Think about how you would define love. Is it mostly a FEELING? While it is true, love certainly DOES involve feelings, I think it is fair to ask: “Is that as deep as it goes?” I think we ALL know we were created to experience love much, much deeper than a “feeling” that is as fickle as our mood or circumstances. Feelings are shallow and we were created for a love that is far greater!!!

We were created to experience transcendent love—something beyond the mere physical experience of love.

Do you wonder why the greatest love of your lifetime still leaves you longing for more? Even the love of family waxes and wanes based upon our circumstances—especially death and separation. When we no longer have their presence, we feel abandoned or alone, right? There is a really good reason that the FEELING of love as perceived by our physical and emotional senses never seems to completely satisfy us:

When it comes to love—we often ignore our design.

We were created with a body, soul, and spirit, but we stay so focused on only our body that we neglect the love-need of our soul and spirit. Our spirit was created with a supernatural need—a need for God, who IS love. Our soul, which is fed by both the physical world and the supernatural, will be affected by whatever we allow inside of it. If our love source is limited to physical things—our soul will never be satisfied. If, however, our soul is fed by God’s Spirit and His Word—through our born again spirit—oh my, we experience transcendent love which is better than anything the world can offer!

How then, do we feast on God’s satisfying love?

Well, the connection to God, who IS LOVE, is established when our spirit is made alive by accepting the gift of salvation. We are then equipped to desire Him. But—we must FEED that desire in order for our experience of love to grow. Like a baby must have food, a newly born-again Christian must grow spiritually to go beyond the basic experiences of her new spiritual life. Spiritual growth trains us in how to live in the gift of God’s presence and thus, experience His real love.

God’s love is sacrificial. Jesus set the standard. No one has given more to us than He has. To know Him is to know the deepest love. The essence of His love is selflessness—right? As we passionately seek to live in God’s presence, we become more like Him because His love flows into us and we can’t keep it to ourselves. 

It is within God’s multidirectional flow of love, we begin to understand that HE is our most critical source for finding love.

As we marvel at the depth and width of the goodness of God’s love, His presence becomes our place of complete peace and satisfaction. Our soul is embraced. Our spirit is full. The shrill demands of our body are silenced because the spaces in time when our soul and spirit are experiencing the purest joy of God’s presence are so precious. 

God’s presence reveals the shallowness of feelings when contrasted with the depth of sacrifice.

God’s presence profoundly affects us—because His love is so powerful. If we want for God to be our source of love, we must live in 100% surrender to Him. Is anything keeping you from surrendering to God? Is it doubt in His sacrificial love? Is it fear that His plans aren’t as good as your own? Is it the constant distraction of the goodness in this world—the world that HE created? 

My friend, struggle is REAL because your enemies do NOT want you to discover and be enraptured by His love. But God’s Word says: 

“So we have come to KNOW and to BELIEVE the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” 

1 John‬ ‭4:16‬

Do you want the truth about love?

God is love; and thus, whatever is standing between you and God is a strong delusion to keep you from discovering the only true love you will ever know. When you give every part of your heart over to Him, each day you receive more love than you can ever give away!

God fills us with His love when He is the Lord of our life.

We would love to hear your thoughts about this devotional. Did God speak to you or challenge your daily walk with him? Or is there a topic that you would like Kimberly to cover or expound on? Please share with us in the comments below.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

We would love to hear your thoughts about this devotional. Did God speak to you or challenge your daily walk with him? Or is there a topic that you would like Kimberly to cover or expound on? Please share with us in the comments below.

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To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

4 Responses

  1. Hi 👋, I agree with this completely! My problem is that I’m dealing with too many things in my life 🙃 😕 😩 🙄 😒. I owe more than I can pay. My health took a turn for the worse 😕 😪. Been in F-Fib for a month and I fell two days ago 🙃 😅, so I’m not doing to well. Yes I’m 77 and on my own, life is hard right ✅️ now. please keep me in prayer 🙏 😔 😞.

  2. I had never known loved in my life so I not sure if I suppose to feel what does it mean to be loved or not to be loved I think I got a sense of it does it mean peace I always thought I knew what it was but abruptly never knew

    1. Thank you for sharing. When you accept the gift of salvation (see how at this link ) God inhabits our soul and spirit. He IS love. We are inhabited with the power to love. Most of us are taught that the greatest experience of love is a feeling. It’s not. It’s selflessness. Everyone who is born again can experience the joy and peace of selflessness because God enables us to. I hope that makes sense!

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