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The Best Gifts For Christmas: Words Of Life


two men talking

By Grace Edwards

“Whoever guards his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles.” Proverbs 21:23

A friend asked me the other day how well I was adjusting to life in a small town. I smiled to myself, thinking about the small-ish town I grew up in and how much bigger this one felt due to its proximity to a major city. She talked about the struggle to find a good doctor close by and a few conveniences that would be nice, but reinforced that it was a great place to live.

As I reflected on this question more, I thought about what I loved about smaller communities. Even when I lived in bigger cities, I searched out smaller communities and sought to “plug in.” God has always been so faithful to send amazing people who have become like family. 

I firmly believe that you can find good people anywhere.

As I continued to ponder living in a smaller community, I considered one of the common complaints; that is, everyone knows everyone else’s business. And everyone talks about it! In reality, I’ve seen or experienced this everywhere I’ve lived, but it is certainly magnified in a smaller community. When Solomon was inspired to write Proverbs, God gave him much wisdom about the tongue. Indeed, the Bible is very clear on the power of the tongue!

“DEATH and LIFE are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

Death. Life. The ending of something is—incredible power. Consider that. Each person reading this has the ability to think and communicate in some fashion. Being a nurse, I won’t assume each person has a tongue, but the idea remains that if we can speak or otherwise communicate, we have the power to give LIFE or DEATH to the hearer—with merely our words. Yet we often toss them about so carelessly. 

That thought makes me want to slow down a little and consider what I say.

Think about all of the times you opened your mouth and made one little statement, then spent the next few hours, days, weeks, or even months and years dealing with the fall out. How much distress have I personally experienced because of words that I have carelessly said and can never take back? I can’t even begin to quantify the lost time.

Thoughtful communication is a lost art. 

We live in a world of rapid sequence reels where our brain has scenes from multiple places flashing before us at record speeds. People are expected to be quick on their toes with an answer, but the Bible strongly cautions against being careless with our words. The challenge for myself is to really consider the words we speak. Consider if those words are going to bring life or death to someone. Consider the impact of sharing that one detail about someone else—is it necessary, is it kind, and is it honest?

On the flip side, I’m also challenged to consider that we have the great opportunity to speak the words which give LIFE! If we are born again, we are keepers of the Words of life. The Gospel is our sacred trust. Our testimony of salvation is our best story. Am I sharing words which give eternal life? Does my life reflect the BE-Attitudes of Christ which give great meaning and credibility to the truth of the Gospel? What an amazing opportunity God has given us to change the course of eternity for someone else. It can be the difference between eternal death and eternal life! Is there anything more important we can talk about?

To speak words of the Good News of Jesus and lead a soul to eternal life is the ultimate gift!

Grace is an author, singer, emergency department registered nurse, and mother to medically complex child.

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Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

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2 Responses

  1. Very true ..Words of wisdom ..thank you Grace for sharing this very important thought to be mindful of our words because they leave a lasting impact ❤️

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