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God-Faithful Promise Keeper-Part 4: Walking In The Promise 



In this study, we have learned so far that God has made remarkable promises to us. He has promised us eternal life, strength for trials, eternal riches, comfort in affliction, wisdom, love, guidance, answered prayers, forgiveness…just to name a few. We’ve also learned that these promises are NOT based upon our performance, but they are based upon God’s character. 

So…if you are really walking in the promises of God’s faithfulness, then you are not predominantly experiencing fear, anxiety, joylessness, depression, etc.

Self-assess. Is your life a roller coaster of anxiety and joylessness? Are peace and satisfaction fleeting and scarce? This means you need to practice walking in the knowledge of God’s faithfulness. So the next logical question is how do we learn to walk in God’s faithfulness??? 

Well, my friend, I can tell you this—just like most of the best things in life—there are no shortcuts. Once we are born again, we must learn to desire God’s presence above all else. I pray often for God to change my desires and make them line-up with His will. I pray for Him to develop in me the attitudes of Christ

Additionally, walking in the faithfulness of God is a daily (and hourly) discipline. The practice of trusting God’s faithfulness is manifested in the time and resources we dedicate to—learning about Him; studying His Word; fellowshipping with believers; carrying out the Great Commission; and praying and generally living life for His glory. When we do these things, we are FREE—not because we are earning His favor—but because we love Him.

God’s nature makes Him faithful, and it frees us to love Him because we know He will never break His Word. 

When my daughter, Sara, was two years old, she never worried about basic things like—whether we would feed her, clothe her, bathe her, love her, carry her, hold her when she cried, or pay the bills! She was free to learn and grow in a way she would have never been had she had to shoulder a burden she was not equipped to carry. Thus, she was able to engage in healthy growth based upon her maturity. Her parents made this possible. God does this for us. As parents, we are supposed to teach our children what God is like. Thus, it’s no wonder people who grow up in homes with selfish parents—struggle to know and trust God.  If I had known God like I do now, I would have done so much better showing my children God!

But the best way to break the cycle of doubting the faithfulness of God is to experience it for yourself. 

When we experience the faithfulness of God, we have stories to share. We can come alongside those who are struggling. My friend, we CAN learn to walk in God’s faithfulness! 

We all struggle with fear, anxiety, dissatisfaction, and depression. And each time we do, we need to remind ourselves of why we should not doubt the faithfulness of God. When we question whether God is going to come through—when we start spiraling downward, losing our joy, doubting, losing our peace, losing our confidence, and end up in a funk—it’s proof we’ve taken responsibility for our own life instead of entrusting it to Almighty God. 

In times of trouble, our mantra needs to be, “God is faithful.” 

Anxiety and fear are sure signs that we need to put the problems back in the hands of the only One who can handle them. 

We’ve got to develop good habits. For example, developing the attitudes of Christ is a great start. The BE-Attitudes study has been transformational and is continuing to shape my belief in the faithfulness of God. We can commit to trusting ourselves to our faithful Creator! 

“Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.” 1 Peter‬ 4:19

When trouble arises and you feel anxiety or depression rising, pray “God I belong to You. I give this problem back to You; it is Your responsibility and I know You will handle it.” 

When you feel your joy and peace disappear, you can pray, “Lord, identify what is stealing my faith in You so I may confess and repent. You are the solution to every problem in my life. I want to give it all to You. You are faithful. Help me trust You because with You all things are possible.”

Remember, when you give everything to God, it doesn’t mean the answer is going to be exactly what you think it should be. But rather, you are guaranteed that He is going to give you what you need to walk through it because—He is faithful. 

If God is not faithful, He is no longer God. 

If God has kept His promise to the Jewish people for over 4,000 years, He will certainly keep His promises to you for the years of your life. Learning to walk in the faithfulness of God will give you a life of true prosperity, confidence, and satisfaction and will change the way you face every challenge. This devotional series was inspired by a sermon by Lon Solomon.

We would love to hear your thoughts about this devotional. Did God speak to you or challenge your daily walk with him? Or is there a topic that you would like Kimberly to cover or expound on? Please share with us in the comments below.

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To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

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