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Can Morality Give You Credibility?


jesus leading sheep

It seems like credibility has become a more fleeting virtue in a culture that seems to feed on copious volumes of misinformation. How do we become a credible resource for truth amidst the confusion and lies? Do we gain credibility with our neighbors, colleagues, and the people we meet by simply following a moral code that makes us appear righteous? 

Is that what Jesus did?

Jesus set the standard by combining a life of complete righteousness with a record of unsurpassed love

Jesus lived both righteously and selflessly and His Words and life have withstood 2,000 years of attempts to destroy His 33 years of work on earth. 

In fact, He even had credibility with His enemies. For our FRIENDS to affirm our credibility is one thing, but if our ENEMIES will testify as to our credibility—it carries far more weight. When I try a case, I would much rather have an adversarial witness testify to facts to establish the veracity of my case than have my own client do so. Adversarial witnesses lend special weight in a court of law. 

So what did some of Jesus’ enemies say about Him? 

Judas: “I have sinned by betraying INNOCENT blood” Matthew 27:4

Pilate: “I am innocent of the blood of this JUST Person” Matthew 27:24

Pilate’s Wife: “Have nothing to do with that JUST Man” Matthew 27:19

The centurions at His crucifixion: “Certainly this was a RIGHTEOUS Man;” and “Truly this was the SON OF GOD!” Luke 23:47; Matthew 27:54

Not only did these ENEMIES of Christ testify that He was sinless, just, righteous, AND the Son of God; but—He also had credibility through the testimony of His own life. The high moral character demonstrated by Christ is incomparable—even among some of the most popular religions of the world. For example, Muhammad admitted his sinfulness and prayed for forgiveness; Buddha deserted his wife and family and never returned; and Mahatma Gandhi engaged in racial/religious wars in South Africa. Jesus, on the other hand, not only TAUGHT, but He LIVED in the highest ethic known to humanity! In His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Chapter 5–7, He TAUGHT:

The Golden Rule (7:12); 

Don’t judge others (7:1); 

Love your enemies (5:44); 

Don’t retaliate against evil (5:38–39);

Don’t be be a hypocrite (7:5);

Be merciful (5:7); 

Keep your word (5:37); 

Help the poor (6:3–4); 

Forgive like you’ve been forgiven (6:12); 

Don’t make money your God (6:24). 

But He didn’t just SAY these things—He DID them. The character of Christ and the beauty of His Spirit were manifested in his ACTIONS: 

He wept over the death of a friend (John 11:35); 

He set the example of servanthood by washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:1–11); 

He lived a life of poverty (Matthew 8:20); 

He expressed compassion for those who rejected Him (Mathew 23:37); 

He healed the ear of one of the mob who came to crucify Him (Luke 22:51); 

He chose and loved a man he knew would betray Him (Matthew 10:4; John 17:12); 

He never spoke in his own defense, even against false accusations (Matthew 27:12–14); 

He died for His enemies (Romans 5:8–10); 

He forgave His crucifiers (Luke 23:34). 

No greater moral example of both WORDS and DEEDS—has ever walked the face of the earth—than Jesus. 

So—do you want YOUR life to have credibility? 

Then be like Jesus in both WORD and DEED. Allow the truth of God’s Word to penetrate every area of your life and you will be filled with His supernatural love. God’s love is unmistakable. It is the carrier of the Gospel. Living by Truth in Love builds a platform of supernatural credibility from which the entire world will see the Light of Jesus. God has given our life a great purpose and He has a marvelous plan!

‭‭We would love to hear your thoughts about this devotional. Did God speak to you or challenge your daily walk with him? Or is there a topic that you would like Kimberly to cover or expound on? Please share with us in the comments below.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

We would love to hear your thoughts about this devotional. Did God speak to you or challenge your daily walk with him? Or is there a topic that you would like Kimberly to cover or expound on? Please share with us in the comments below.

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To learn more about Kimberly Faith and the mission of Faith Strong, click HERE.

Out Now – Essential Faith, Volume II. Find it on Amazon by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Kimberly Faith’s ministry Fostering By Faith, click HERE.

4 Responses

  1. Thanks for the uplifting devotional.
    It is wonderful to contemplate the life of Jesus. Christianity is Christ. How wonderful that our Creator became one of us and shows us a life of truth and righteousness. We have no excuse for not striving to follow His example.

  2. Excellent devotional today Kimberly. You have a knack to show things in a great way. Thanks.

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