Video transcript below. This video was transcribed using AI software, so please excuse any grammatical or typographical errors.
Hey everyone,
I am really excited to share with you some things that God has been teaching me, not only through my quiet time, also just in conversation with people that I know are in touch with God, my dad and some of the people that I serve God with.
I just wanted to share with you how to walk the path of peace. You know, we live in a terrifying world. People do not have hope. People are losing their minds because they’re so anxious. We have a better way. Even Christians are going crazy. Including me sometimes.
So I wanted to share this with you. First of all, remember what Isaiah 9:6 said? Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. Wow. What did this Prince of Peace tell us in John 14:27? Jesus spoke to his disciples and he was telling them, he was promising them, these are the things I’m going to leave with you, right? Including his Holy Spirit, right? And he said, peace
I leave with you, not as the world gives it. Okay? So this is a temporary flighty little peace that you’re gonna get from your money or the government or whatever. This is my peace.
He says okay, so what does that all mean? Well, Jesus tells us what it means right before this. He said in John 14:23, if anyone loves me, he will keep my word and my father will love him. We will come and make our home in him.
He says, whoever does not love me does not keep my words. So the key to having peace is to absolutely 100% love God. We show our love to God by obeying him. Here’s the thing, we think that’s such a drudgery. Look, if you’re like me, we all obey something. It may be our work. We may be a slave to our lusts. We may be a slave to money. We may be a slave to our friendships. We are gonna serve somebody in the old Bob Dylan song. You’re gonna serve somebody, right? Probably y’all don’t know that.
You can look it up. We are going to serve somebody every day today.
You are gonna go to work, whatever you’re doing today, you are serving somebody. But Jesus died for us. He gave us everything. He gave it all for us. He laid down his life. Is there anyone who has ever treated you better than Jesus Christ?
So we have a choice. Our path of peace is directly connected to our love for God. Our love for God is manifested by who we serve. Are we going to serve him out of love? Are we going to serve him out of fear? That’s not what the Bible talks about in fearing God. The thing that we have to remember is that it is not that I’m afraid he’s going to judge me. Because if Jesus is our Savior, we have already been redeemed. We have no reason to be afraid.
A lot of people are afraid of God because they’re living contrary to his word.
Or is it contrary? When we obey him out of love, because we know no one loves us more than he does, and we just want to be so in with him, we are terrified of losing his presence. That is holy fear. That’s when we want to obey.
Obey for the right reasons, because we are still in love with him.
We understand how much he’s done for us and how much he cares about us. That’s the kind of holy fear that we need to have to keep us on the path of peace. If when I’m walking throughout my day and I do something that I know is in disobedience to God’s work, whether it’s saying something wrong or unkind, whether it’s a thought, whether it’s something I do, I can feel that peace slipping away.
Kind of like the Holy Spirit, saying nope, that’s not the path I have for you. That’s not going to bring you peace. I have to turn back and say, oh God, I’m sorry. I don’t want to live that way. I’m so sorry. Maybe even apologize to a person offended to get back on that path of peace. When you’ve been on the path of peace with God, you never want to leave and it’s great. Oh my, it’s just so relieving, you sleep well. You know everything is better because you have found true peace, lasting peace that you know is real.
The psalmist wrote this great promise, it’s actually pretty amazing, in Psalm 119:165. He said, great peace, not little peace, not just a tiny peace, not just a fleeting peace. He said, great peace have those who love your law and nothing causes them to stumble. Wow. This is why Paul could write in Philippians from a stinking, filthy, first century prison, he could say, don’t be anxious for anything because by prayer and thanksgiving and supplication let your request be made known to God and the peace of God,
which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Don’t you want your heart and mind to be guarded by the King of the universe, by the creator of everything we look at, by the person who gives you breath and life? Can you entrust your peace to anyone? If you do,
if there’s anyone else you’re entrusting your peace to, it’s less than the best. So I just want to remind everybody, and I’m reminding myself I’m making this video because I’ve probably watched it again to remind myself when I’m feeling like I’ve lost it, we can have God’s peace. It all comes back to our relationship with God.
Do we love Him with all of our heart? First Peter 2:9 says you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. We belong to the King of Kings. If we belong to Jesus, we belong to the King of Kings! Think about that. We are a holy nation. We are his own special people.
That is why you might proclaim the praises of him who called our darkness into his marvelous light. Man, I just want to encourage everyone to fall in love with God. Walk in the light, read his word, fall in love with his law because it will protect your soul. You will guard your heart and your mind and it will give you that path of peace!